A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
-Charles Dickens


home sweet home :)

On Sunday, April 27, 2008
again, didn't go out. woke up at 12, and chill for awhile. i took my shower two hours later. haha
My mother scolded me when she saw me going out of the toilet. She thought that i'm going out again today. hah, no mood to go outlah mak. Sa syaa msg me ard 10-15mins later, wanted to ask me out. At that point of time, i feel like changing into my skirt and tee. but when thinking abt my mother, i changed my mind. i hate to debate with her. :)
then decided to do hwk in my room. mendak gile sey. wanted to take laptop from my brother's room but im lazy to walk. haha After sometimes, he went out. going to not sure where. (: So, i changed room. i studied while listening to music, and at the same time i go online.
after awhile, i put aside my hwk. :D And suddenly i feel like changing a new blogskin. took approximately two hours to do it. hahah Penat jugak eh tukar blog skin. (:
now, im going to continue doing my hwk esp malay. kalau tk, Hartini gerenti membebel. Ckp benda yg same, 'kalau tk tau nk buat kat rumah, buat kt skolah tk blh bwk balik rumah lagi.' haiyo, cikgu, cikgu.

okay Chiow peeps. bye