A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
-Charles Dickens


Malaysia oh Malaysia

On Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tag Replies
Syaa: haha. Sorry beb.
Mimsy: Aku tak main T.ball ah. Aku main F.ball je. hahaha
Suziiee: BAIK! haha Dah agak dah die jenis lelaki yang macam gitu. LOL
Syaa: Aah sia, small world. tsktsktsk Alah lelaki, standard. gatal. haha
Siti: Alright sayang. thanks. ^^
Hanis: :D Bile mau meet? haha My usual qs ekh.

hello peeps! :D
I was in Malaysia right now. ^^ &was using my cousins comp. I was in her office right now, and doesn't have anything to do, so i've decided to blog. :) I'll be coming back to Singapore either tmrw or the day after tmrw.

On tuesday, my lil bro and me reach my grandma house which is in Melacca at around 8PM. I was instructed to takecare of my bro because my mum didn't follow us to M'sia. So, if he's lost or anything, i'll be responsible for it. Fuck.
The next day, my lovely cousin took us to Mahkota Parade, and Menara Taming Sari. It was such a great day. I'll post ALL the pictures when i reach Singapore. It's complicated to do it here you know. heh
The following day, didn't go anywhere. Just sat at home and watched tv. I love watching Malam Sehati Berdansa. It was a reality show. The contestant must be a husband and wife, and either one or both of them must be an artist, and the couple would be representing one charity company. At the end of the day, the couples would have to donate all the money to their charity company. Understand? If no, act as if you understand alright? haha.
Saturday, went to Shah Alam, KL. My cousin, kak Sue had Convo at the university there. After that, went to my aunty house at Cheras, and the other one was at Bangi. Slept at my aunty house at Bangi and went back to melacca the next day.
Today, reach grandma house at ard 12noon. Rest for awhile and, came here. ^^ &i'm not sure how long can i use the comp.

Anyhowwww, Siti K. had tagged me. ^^ I'll do it when i've got time okay babe. :D LOVE YOU!
