A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
-Charles Dickens


On Saturday, November 08, 2008
Fahmi msgs me again today. He was one of the guy who keeps me company by making me smile. ^^  

There's one part where he ask me one question;

F: You, tanye bleh. You pernah kecewe dlm cinta?
S: P.E.R.N.A.H. kenape?
F: Tkdelah. Tanye jek. Saket ekh? Sigh.. Tkpela masing2 kene move on.
S: Sakit sekali. You maseh blm move on kan? I know. Apa2 masalah yg you nk ceritakan pada i?
F: Tkdela. Nak move on susah la. Amatlah payah. haha. I ternampak dier ngn my dulu bestfriend pimpin tgn kat Bugis. Dari situ taktau asal timbul prasaan cemburu.
S: Mestilah you cemburu, fahmi. She's your ex. You break pun bukan kehendak you. Yes, i akui memang susah nk move on. Tapi you kene blg kat diri yang you blh dpt gf better than her.
F: Btol ape you ckp. Agaknye bukan masa i untuk bercinta. Takes time la ehk.

Fahmi, takmo sedih-sedih kay? Forget about what she did to you. Yes, maybe you still love her. But there is life ahead of you. For godness sake, you're only 16. Masih panjang perjalanan. Betol kan kan? :) Hmm i THINK i've move on. haha. Pandai nasihat kan org je. Padahal diri sendiri tk betul. haha 
