A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
-Charles Dickens


On Thursday, September 25, 2008

As time past, Syaa got crazier

syaa was trying to show the
sengkang punggol logo *lol

Okay, this is so random. haha I forget to upload this that time. This was on Saturday night. They went to my house when all of my family members went out. Mum and lil bro went to malaysia, dad went overseas, whereas both of my bros were out with friends. And i, was left alone. ^^ So, i invited them to my house. It was damn fun. We watched movies, eat, use computer, shout, and laugh like nobodies business. We were very noisy siak. I got 'bullied' by suziiee many times. She loved to pinch my cheeeeks. And i love to irritate her! haha
Syaa was not in a good mood when she first step into my house. She was crying when i open the gate. She cried because of a guy. like what i used to do. Idkw am i so stupid to cry over a guy. hah At first, Ziiee and i just leave her alone. We want her to cool herself down. (: After a few minutes, then we talked to her. *sigh We can't do anything, but to just lend her our ears, support her from the back and give her some advices. Syaa, We will be everywhere to help you okay? :) Just text us. haha
When she feels better, we webcam together-gether. :D:D Then, we let Syaa use the comp, whereas ziiee and me watch step up 2. Aku nk jadi macam Andie. Pretty, Cool, and she was like a perfect women. It's just that she didn't have parents.
After step up, we watch korean drama, and then alot like love, and 2more english movie. I forgot the title. hehe
When watching alot like love, i learn one phrase. and i use it to shout at syaa. I want to entertain herr. :D:D aku sweet kan? thanks. lol

(we had to shout to each other because she's inside my brother's room, using comp and i'm at the hall, watching the movie)

Siti: Aisyahhhhhhhhh!!
Syaa: Aperrr???!!!
Siti: You're such a dick!!!
Syaa: Kurang ajar kau!!

She can't do anything to me as her butt was stuck to the chair infront of my computer. She was so focused to what she was doing at the moment. hahaha So, we just laugh together with Suz. haha Syaa went home when midnight strikes. But Suziiee stayed till the next day. Actually she wanted to go home in the morning, ard 3/4am, but when my second bro reach home, he didn't let ziiee went home first. He doesn't want her to get into any trouble if she go home that time. Oh, caring eh abang aku? hahaha So, she went home at 7plus am. :D

Our plan was to study together the next day. But since ziiee and i slept in the morning, we cancelled it. heh

So yeahh. That was our story. Blog again soon.


*end of year exams: 3 more days